March 2025
High Country Member News
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
As I was reading this passage this week it made me think of us, homeschooling parents. It can be a lot to homeschool, keep the house clean, get dinner on the table, take care of sick children, run around to the many activities, the list can go on and on. In the busyness we can lose sight of the ultimate goal. The goal of raising children to know and love the Lord first and foremost, and then also children that are prepared to enter the world and live on their own. I wanted to take a moment and recognize all that we do for our children. Whether it is seen or unseen by those around you, remember your heavenly Father sees you.
Let us each take a moment and remember why we are homeschooling. Remember that God will guide us. As the spring air fills the air and refreshes us, let us take time to listen to the Lord and let him renew our excitement of discipling our children. We all want to finish the race and get to hear the well done my good and faithful servant. Let us turn to Christ and remember what He has done for us, so that we may not grow weary (Hebrews 12:3). It brings me great joy to be on this homeschooling journey with you all and to know that we are all here to help encourage one another along the way.
~Erica Danielson
High Country Members Webpage Password: Reverence
REMINDER - Apr. 15-16 Spring Break NO Classes
REMINDER - Apr. 15-16 Spring Break NO Classes 〰️
Stay Connected
HCEC offers a variety of enrichment classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for students from Kindergarten through High School. The classes are designed to supplement your home schooling program, not replace it.
WE NEED YOU! Serving is the best way to meet fellow homeschooling parents! Please consider if you have an hour to give to the ministry. You do get paid, plus you get to socialize. If you are already an approved Vital Partner see Guest Services for current openings. If you are not approved yet start HERE.
HCCA (High Country Christian Academy) maintains student records in a school location, providing accountability for the home educating family. Parents submit a curriculum plan of their choosing and fill out four quarterly reports each year. In return, HCCA provides report cards, high school transcripts, and awards diplomas upon completion of our graduation requirements. Curriculum consultation is also available to HCCA families.
HCCA offers the TerraNova2 test for all homeschooling families. This test is accepted as a nationally standardized test in Colorado. Testing dates for 2025 are May 6 & 7 at New Life Church. Registration is required to participate. Register HERE, by March 15th to participate.
HCHE GRADUATION CEREMONY will be Friday, May 16, 2025, at 10:00 am in the Theater at New Life Church.
Date: Thursday, March 20th, 2025
Time: 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: The New Life Church Tent
Address: 11025 Voyager Parkway 80921
General Questions:
(719) 278-9135 Ext. 5
Enrichment Classes:
(719) 278-9135 Ext. 1-2
Field Trips:
(719)278-9135 Ext.4
Links to register for Field Trips & Events are in the descriptions below and on the HC Member’s Webpage.
Questions about Field Trips?
Email Brianna at
JOIN OUR TEAM: Being part of staff lets you use your skills as you get to know other homeschooling parents. Current staff positions open: Academy Manager, Academy Assistant, Class Coordinator Wed, Guest Services Wed, Teacher Tots Wed, Field Trip Coordinator, Prayer Facilitator, IT Support, and Serving Projects. For more information click HERE.
Links for registering for Serving Opportunities are in the descriptions below and on the HC Member’s Webpage.
Questions about Serving Opportunities?
There are so many ways to get involved at High Country! Find life-long friends, encouragement for your journey or use your gifts and talents for furthering the ministry of High Country.
Mom’s Groups are a great way to connect with other homeschooling moms, grow spiritually and receive and give encouragement! Groups meet on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10am during Enrichment Classes and have a mix of small and large group times. Childcare is provided through Preschool age. Choose the day that fits your schedule best or attend both.
Want to register? Visit Guest Services during Enrichment Classes to sign up now!
Questions about Moms Groups? Tuesdays, email
Wednesdays, email -
Need encouragement for your homeschool journey? Connect with a Mentor Mom, an experienced High Country homeschool mom who is finished or nearly finished with her family’s homeschool journey.
Questions about Mentor Moms? Email Wendy at
It takes an army of dedicated moms and dads to make High Country run smoothly! Going beyond volunteering allows you to connect with other families, have payment opportunities, and more.
Click here to view all open positions.
Questions about Open Positions? Email Jamie at
High Country is a Praying Ministry!
We have Adult Prayer Group daily during Enrichment Classes at 11:00am. During this time the team has worship and prays over High Country and its families.
Email Sacha to get involved at prayerdirector@hche.orgYouth Prayer is a time for teens to Worship and Pray with the discipleship of the Youth Prayer Coordinators. Times this semester are Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 2:00 with Sacha Warrum.
Do you have a teenage homeschooler who is looking for a place to connect with other homeschooled teens, make friends, hang out, and have some fun? The Immerse Teen Group is the place for them! Immerse provides a great way for our High Country Teens to get plugged in with other homeschoolers in a Christ-centered environment. Adult chaperones are present at each meeting. Students must be at least 13 years old and a registered member of High Country Home Educators for the current school year to be eligible. In addition, parents must complete the Teen Group Registration form for students to begin participating in events.
Immerse Events:
Immerse St. Patrick's Day Dance
Who: Registered Immerse Teens Only (NO SIBLINGS)
When: Friday, March 14th, 2:00-4pm
Where: NLC Tent
Cost: $8.00 per person.
Registration Deadline: Sunday, March 9th
Questions about Immerse Teens?
HC Members Web Page: This page is your one-stop-shop for registration links, events calendar, HSLDA discount code and more! This page is password protected for members only: Reverence
HC Members Facebook Page: Our HC Member’s Facebook page is a great place to ask questions, buy and sell curriculum and other homeschool items, as well as share exciting opportunities in our community. Click here and request to join!
Homeschool Tip
Mary Poppins Jr.
Come and check out the show.